Monday 11 July 2016

AS3 Task 5 - Re-Draft of Evaluation

Me and my group decided to make an advert based on a milkshake because we thought that we could make an advert that would be memorable and interesting for people to watch. We also thought that it would be easier to make it due to the people around us mostly consisting of teenagers around the ages of 16 and 17 and since we were going to implement humour into our advert it would be easier to advertise to the same audience because we know roughly what they would and wouldn't like as we all can relate to one another quite a bit due to our use of the internet.

After I finished all of the editing and filming I had to gather feedback from a focus group which is a number of specific people who are within the boundaries of the type of people we were trying to target with our advert. I chose 2 methods of gathering feedback from people: gathering feedback and simple answers from surveys on Survey Monkey and also at a sort of screening event where I would let some people watch my advert and ask them questions in person.

Screening in person I think is a much better way of gathering feedback from people as it lets me ask questions to people however many times I want and also get varied responses from them. I also know how old the people are as I can see them, meaning that I can judge how useful their responses would be if they are too old or young for the intended focus group. The responses were in better quality than the ones I got from surveys because I could directly communicate to people and receive more detailed answers from them explaining what they thought was better and what was worse and why they thought that.

Getting surveys filled out is also a good way to get feedback as it lets me get loads of responses from multiple people quickly due to surveys being easy to fill out and because of how fast and easy it is to spread them around to other people. The only problem with this is that responses are almost always limited and may not be able to clearly show what the person was trying to say. This gives limitations to how I could later use the feedback for improvements for any future adverts.

In my opinion, I think the advert was quite successful. It got the point across that the company (if it were to exist) would focus on being not entirely serious when it comes to the customers unless it's under different circumstances and that is due to how we make the milk-shakes: we make them because it's fun and also interesting. The advert, I would say, clearly shows this because of the editing which makes it seem silly whilst also getting the message across that we make our milkshakes. One of the things that I would improve if I had a bigger budget would be the overall length of the advert. One of the shots that I put into the video was way too short to be seen clearly and some people complained about this. Another would be to increase the resolution of the video as well. I noticed that after rendering the quality of the video dropped. I also would like to have given a bit more of a reason behind the advert now that I think about it a bit more. It seems kind of random when you don't think about any possible storied behind it.

Since that's probably the only three things that I would like to change to my advert, I think the rest of it is pretty good and I'm proud of that. I achieved the goal I wanted to with the advert and made it work given the time constraints. It was entertaining but also informative in some way.

AS3 Task 4 - Evaluation of The Final Product

Me and my group decided to make an advert based on a milkshake because we thought that we could make an advert that would be memorable and interesting for people to watch. We also thought that it would be easier to make it due to the people around us mostly consisting of teenagers around the ages of 16 and 17 and since we were going to implement humour into our advert it would be easier to advertise to the same audience because we know roughly what they would and wouldn't like.

After I finished all of the editing and filming I had to gather feedback from a focus group which is a number of specific people who are within the boundaries of the type of people we were trying to target with our advert. I chose to do this using 2 methods: gathering feedback and simple answers from surveys on Survey Monkey and also at a sort of screening event where I would let some people watch my advert and ask them questions in person.

Screening in person I think is a much better way of gathering feedback from people as it lets me ask questions to people however many times I want and also get varied responses from them. I also know how old the people are as I can see them, meaning that I can judge how useful their responses would be if they aer too old or young for the intended focus group.

Getting surveys filled out is also a good way to get feedback as it lets me get loads of responses from multiple people quickly due to surveys being easy to fill out and because of how fast and easy it is to spread them around to other people. The only problem with this is that responses are almost always limited and may not be able to clearly show what the person was trying to say.

In my opinion, I think the advert was quite successful. It got the point across that the company (if it were to exist) would focus on being not entirely serious when it comes to the customers unless it's under different circumstances. The advert, I would say, clearly shows this because of the editing which makes it seem silly whilst also getting the message across that we make our milkshakes. One of the things that I would improve if I had a bigger budget would be the overall length of the advert. One of the shots that I put into the video was way too short to be seen clearly and some people complained about this. Another would be to increase the resolution of the video as well. I noticed that after rendering the quality of the video dropped.

Since that's probably the only two things that I would like to change to my advert, I think the rest of it is pretty good and I'm proud of that. I achieved the goal I wanted to with the advert and made it work given the time constraints. It was entertaining but also informative in some way.

Monday 27 June 2016

AS3 Task 3 - Screening

"So did you like the advert?"
- I did. It's really random with the explosions and game references.
- Yes. I found it quite amusing to watch because of the unexpected explosions half way through it.

"Do you think I succeeded in making it appeal to teenagers and young adults?"
- I think so. It really doesn't look like a serious advert and I think teenagers and young adults still enjoy immature things every now and then.
- I'm not sure. It's funny, yeah, but I'm not sure if the immaturity is a bit too much or not. It almost becomes an "MLG" video with the explosions and spinning clips.

"Would you consider buying the product because of the advert?"
- I would consider it, yeah. I'm not sure if I actually would because the ingredients seem a bit strange for a milkshake.
- I'd be willing to give it a try. The milkshake seems to have an interesting combination of ingredients.

"Can you find any faults or things that you think look wrong in the advert?"
- The introductory bit where all of the ingredients are placed was too fast. I only saw a glimpse or everything before it moved on. The outro was also a bit too fast. Maybe 2 or 3 more seconds would have been enough for it. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong with it.
- The introduction was a bit too fast. The table view of everything doesn't last long enough before the rest of the advert continues. The calm music is a bit too quiet. It would help if it was a bit louder. I don't think there's anything else wrong with it.

I used a focus group to get feedback on the finished advert so I could find out what was good about it and what wasn't. I think that using a focus group to get feedback on my advert is a good idea because feedback and comments can be received instantly making it a lot easier to write everything down and also ask any further questions if I needed to.

Some cons about using this method of receiving feedback is that it's difficult to get the correct age group to watch the advert to give feedback as many people in public don't want to do so. It also means that the people who do give feedback sometimes give a lot in one go, making it difficult to copy everything down word-for-word onto paper.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

AS3 Task 2 - Sources of Information

Before creating the advert me and my group had spent a considerable amount of time planning everything out and completing research in order to make sure that everything made sense and would work when filming the actual advert. The main reason for planning everything was to make sure that no key points were going to be missed out which would ensure the success of the advert.

Before starting all of the research, however, it was necessary that we threw out ideas to each other to decide on what we could make an advert on. Most of the competition involved technology or clothing related things and so we decided to make an advert on milkshakes as we wanted to be as unique as possible. I helped with the thinking of including inspiration from HowToBasic as that was the first thing that came to mind when we were talking about milkshake adverts.


The proposal was a rather stressful part in the production of the advert as it involved speaking to people who have quite a bit of authority over the control of the adverts aired on TV, but I'm glad that it was successful in attracting their attention and piquing their interest.

The entire reason why we had to create and present a proposal is to ensure that people would actually be interested in the idea for our advert just so we didn't waste any resources on something that no one would be interested in.

I tried to make sure that I included all of the necessary information that the assessors would require in order to be interested in helping us fund parts of the advert. I made sure not to miss out any key information just so everything was there, even if it was for a brief moment.


We used a storyboard to come up with the actual advert and what would happen in the advert. We used this to jot down anything we would need for the filming, when it would be needed and what would have to be done for a number of the shots.

The storyboard can also be used as a tool that shows people what is to be expected of the future when filming as it gives people the chance to look at what would work well with everything else and what wouldn't as you can think about possible shots, angles, techniques and so on. And it's not a plan that is set in stone instantly so during shooting you can still film things that you think would work better together.

I do think that we followed the storyboard quite well. Everything turned out how to we wanted it to and we all made our own versions of the advert that suited our own styles.

Location Visit & Risk Assessment

Planning the location that we would be filming in was a moderately difficult task. We had to talk about where it would be acceptable to film our advert which would require us to be throwing around ingredients used for a milkshake. We knew that it would be a bad idea to do such a thing in public as it would attract attention from a lot of people and possible even authorities as they would think that we are littering and would probably be concerned with us, so Jess said that her parents would be cool with us using their garden for the advert, which is what we did and it worked out well.

When writing out the location visit sheet I tried to take into account the possible dangers of filming and what potential risks there would be when we filmed. I tried to calculate the possibility of one of the crew suffering from said risks but none of them happened to any of us, fortunately. I think I could have done a better job at making sure everyone had the lowest possible risk of being injured by telling everyone what to do to prevent it from happening in the first place.

One thing that happened during filming that nobody expected was Jessica getting an electric shock from the blender after we blended the milkshake together and spilled milk onto it randomly. This resulted in some of the liquid going past the button and into the wiring, giving off a current that Jess received when she pressed it. She wasn't seriously injured, however.

Shooting Schedule and Shot List

The shooting schedule is a good way to plan your time as it gives an approximation as to when to record what, where and when with who. The shot list is a bit more useful in my opinion however as it gives everyone an idea as to what would need to be shot in what order and how along with what it should be used for. We used the shot list a lot more as we could film everything in one day so we just needed to know what to do and what shot would be best suited to the shots.

The shot list is a lot more specialised with the actual shooting process and how everything would be shot rather than the storyboard which goes over everything in a brief fashion, giving people an idea of what to do.

Cast and Crew Contact Details and Budget

It was important that everyone was able to contact one another in case something happened to someone or if someone couldn't attend that they told the rest of the screw so that they were informed and knew what to do afterwards.

We didn't necessarily need all of the information provided on the sheet as we already were able to contact each other easily, but just in case we still double checked with each other.


In conclusion, planning is necessary and helpful to make sure that everything is planned out and organised. It made sure that we knew what we were doing if we ever forgot or were confused on how to progress.

Monday 13 June 2016

AS3 Task 1 - Finished Advert

This is the finished Smash-Shakes advert for a 30-second TV air time. I tried to make it over-the-top in order to continue with the whole idea of keeping the audience entertained and believe I managed to succeed in doing so.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

AS2 Task 6 - Pre-Production

We won't be needing any costumes and props as all the viewer will be able to see is the arms of Jess

I have also discussed the prices of everything before, and the recording equipment rental and ingredients will roughly total up to £60 or £70, as mentioned before in previous posts

Friday 27 May 2016

AS2 Task 5 - Pitch

Before production of the advert and products themselves, a pitch must be presented to market investors to gain support and public awareness for the company. To get this support, there must be an intriguing and informative presentation that tells the investor/s what the company or project is aiming to do. These include things such as the overall goal of the company/project, production costs and the unique selling point. Once the pitch is finished, the investor/s will then proceed to ask questions concerning the pitch and the presenter will then have to answer the questions in a controlled, formal and "cool" manner in order to persuade or encourage the support from the investor/s. If all of this is done successfully and the investor/s decide to support the idea then production for the advertisement and pitched company will proceed, hopefully with additional financial support and a larger public awareness.

I tried to limit the amount of information shown on the screen during the presentation to limit repetition and so there isn't too much to read on the screen so I didn't read a story. I also didn't include many images or additional details on my presentation so as to limit distractions, but it may have bored people due to there not being a lot of additional interesting things onscreen.
